2025 FLACS Exam Date
MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2025
Visit our Exam Portal page for more details.
What is the FLACS Exam Consortium?
Checkpoint A and B exams in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, and ASL (Checkpoint A only) are created by members of the NYSAWLA organization exam committee in order to provide districts with access to uniform, standards-based exams which meet the NYS LOTE requirement for an Advanced Regents Diploma. NYSAWLA members who would like to participate in our exam consortium are automatically enrolled after filling in the appropriate information when enrolling/renewing their membership in the organization.
How does a school district gain access to the FLACS Checkpoint A and B exams?
When a world language supervisor or administrator joins or renews their NYSAWLA membership this year, they will automatically be enrolled in our Exam Consortium. The person they have designated as the testing coordinator or contact liaison will receive access to exams and exam information. The designee is also responsible for sharing the testing guidelines with their superintendent, and ensuring that these guidelines will be accepted and adhered to.
How many people need to join NYSAWLA from each district?
Only one membership per district is necessary, but we recommend that any administrator involved with the world language department become a member so all can take advantage of the benefits of membership.
When is the deadline to join the FLACS Exam Consortium?
Membership in our organization is required to have access to FLACS exams. The deadline is March 1 of the current school year.
Can a school district sign up for only one exam and not another?
The school district contact person will receive access to all FLACS exams and may use only the exams they need.
What happens if a district signs on to the Consortium but then decides not to use the exams?
That is the option of the school district.
Can schools in the Exam Consortium choose when to administer the exams?
NO. In order to keep our tests valid and secure, FLACS exams may only be given on the date indicated on our website. Schools may begin the exam up to one hour early. If your district or school is not able to comply with this protocol, you may not use our assessments.
Can we use FLACS exams as a make-up exam?
NO. FLACS exams may only be given on the designated date, at the designated time. The FLACS exam is a secure exam that is administered on the same date and time each year. It is important to note that Districts have the option to create their own local exam to meet the graduation requirements.
Can the FLACS assessments be administered prior to or after the agreed upon administration date?
NYSAWLA follows the process and procedures for the development and administration of these exams established by the NYSED for all state exams. That includes field testing and other statistical analyses to ensure the reliability, validity and integrity of these exams. As such, one of the requirements established by NYSAWLA for use of these exams is that districts agree to administer the exams on a set date and time. No additional dates or times are allotted for the exams in order to maintain validity of the exams statewide. The exams are secure and are developed for a one-time administration only. With that being said, we require all consortium members to administer the exams on the date we list on our agreement. It should be noted that the exam date is selected by the NYSED to assist language consortiums and local school districts across the state with scheduling; we use that date since students are taking more than one exam during the June examination period and we don’t want to overwhelm students or districts with too many exams on one particular day. Any district that has students who are unable to sit for the exam on the established date and time must forfeit the use of the exams and use an alternative means to assess those students or wait to administer the exams at the following administration (the subsequent year), which is an option permitted by NYSED. Districts can also pursue their own development of an assessment that meets requirements for granting credit established by NYSED. It should also be noted that public school districts are in session on the date we require our consortium members to administer the exams. Participation in our consortium is totally voluntary, but once a district joins, they must adhere to the date we select. Allowing any special request to release an exam prior to the set date or using parts of the exams would mean violating our agreement, jeopardizing the validity of our exams, and will result in the termination of any future collaboration between a district and NYSAWLA. We are happy to support districts in the effort to award credit for the study of world languages.